Statement Against White Supremacy
August 24, 2017
We, the members of the Gaol Naofa Council, come forward to condemn and denounce white supremacy in all its forms. As people of faith, we stand with the clergy and other spiritual people who peacefully held the line against the white supremacists in Charlottesville, as well as with those who fought back to keep those clergy-people safe in the riots.
Gaol Naofa has elder advisors who fought against the Nazis in World War II, and we stand with them as well.
We continue to pray for protection for the vulnerable and oppressed, for compassion, for truth and for justice.
Slàinte Mhath,
An Chomhairle Ghaol Naofa ~ The Gaol Naofa Council
An Chuallacht Ghaol Naofa ~ Community of Sacred Kinship
Filed under: gaol naofa,memes,prayer