An Liuthail (by Treasa Ní Chonchobhair)
Based on the Carmina Gadelica #23
Supplies— bowl of water infused with juniper (leaves and/or berries) or with a silver piece in it
Preparation — Take a few moments of silence to calm yourself.
I. Aghaidh [Face] – dip hands in water and touch face. Say:
I am bathing my face
In the blesséd waters,
As Bóand bathed herself
In the waters of wisdom.
II. Béal [Mouth] – dip first two fingers on right hand in water and touch lips. Say:
Sweetness be in my mouth,
Wisdom be in my speech
The love the fair Bóand gave her Óengus
Be in the heart of all flesh for me.
III. Brollach [Breast] – dip first two fingers on right hand in water & touch chest. Say:
The love of Brighid in my breast,
The form of Manannán protecting me,
There is not in sea, in sky nor on land
That can overcome the shelter of thee
IV. Coimirce [Protection/Shielding] – dip hands in water and touch face. Say:
The hand of Brighid about my neck,
The hand of Manannán about my breast,
The hand of Bóand laving me,
The hand of the three saving me.