Statement from An Chomhairle Ghaol Naofa
August 25, 2016
In light of some of the recent comments about Celtic Reconstructionism that have surfaced elsewhere (apparently in the wake of some controversy in heathen circles), Gaol Naofa would like to make it clear that we take a strong stance against racism, oppression, discrimination, sexism, and bigotry in all its forms.
In Gaol Naofa our community is about culture and connection, mutual respect and accountability to one another, not blood quantum. While we honour our ancestors, we also highly value our interfaith work, and our relatives and loved ones from all racial and ethnic backgrounds who form the fabric of our living communities. We are not a “folkish” organisation and we do not believe that racist, “folkish” views have any place in Gaelic Polytheism or CR as a whole. Those who know the history of Celtic Reconstructionism (and its subset, Gaelic Polytheism) know that any insistence that members be “white” goes against the very founding principles of CR in general. The same goes for the ridiculous belief that the nuclear, straight family or modern, conformist gender roles (or gender expressions) are in any way necessary or relevant to our lives. Our ancestors, and our communities now, are more suited to diverse, extended families of choice as well as blood. Those who claim otherwise are either ignorant of our history and living cultures, or simply racist, and bigoted.
CAORANN – Celts Against Oppression, Racism, and Neo-Nazism
The CR FAQ statement on racism
Gaol Naofa’s membership requirements and code of conduct
It cannot be stressed enough that we believe that Gaelic Polytheism is not something that is or should be dictated by race or ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation, ability or disability, gender or gender expression, blood line, marital status, nationality, or political party. If this is something you don’t agree with, then please look elsewhere.
Filed under: gaol naofa