As a spiritual community, we pray with our families and our broader communities for peace, healing and justice in these times of crisis and pain.
The horrific injustices being faced by our loved ones who are people of colour have created an emergency situation for us in the USA and for many of us worldwide. As people of faith – whatever faith – basic human rights are non-negotiable: the right to not be shot dead in the street, or in a nightclub; the right to have clean water to drink and fresh air to breathe. As an organisation, and as a community, we pray for peace, we pray for healing.
We pray for justice.
Slàinte Mhath,
Gaol Naofa
An Chomhairle Ghaol Naofa – The Gaol Naofa Council
An Chuallacht Ghaol Naofa – Community of Sacred Kinship
September 26, 2016